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  • Writer's pictureGlynis Neves


Updated: Mar 6, 2020

An interesting change!


Glynis here: We had a very brief conversation with Jacob this week. I won't go into details here; I will let his letter do the explaining.


Buenos días a todos!!!!!! (Good morning to everyone)

Ok, I'll get right to it. I don't have a lot of time today, and I'll explain why in just a second, but first, how are you all? I hope you are all doing great.

So, you're probably all wondering about the title of my email, so here we go. On Saturday, I was in a motokar with Elder Horn, the zone leader (we were on a visit), and we got a call from President Parker. He told Elder Horn that he wanted to speak to Elder Neves. Once we got home, we gave him a call back, and he told me, "Elder Neves, I know you haven't been back out in the field for that long, but we need you back. I'm calling you to be my assistant. What do you think?"

... ... ...

I was completely flabbergasted! I couldn't even believe it. This whole weekend I've been asking, "why me?" I don't see myself as an assistant, and I feel very inadequate. However, I know that President Parker works by revelation, and that he has been told that I need to come back. So, tomorrow, Tuesday, I am going to be flying back to Iquitos to start my training to be the AP. That's the news; it's sort of crazy.

I feel weird to be going back, but I am excited! It's going to be another journey in my mission, and I think it will help me to grow.

Anyway, that was the crazy stuff. I hope you all have a great week.

I love you guys so much!!

-Elder Neves

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